Website design and development Sydney

Acumen corp



January 2024



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At The Design Space, we recently collaborated with Acumen Corp, a construction company dedicated to creating remarkable spaces. Known for their high construction standards and innovative approach, Acumen Corp needed a website that would better represent their values and professionalism. Our task was to transform their previous, minimal website into a corporate, visually appealing site filled with high-quality imagery and detailed information about their services and projects. The new website not only aligns with Acumen Corp’s high standards but also helps them connect with clients and partners who share their vision for progress and innovation.

Industry: Construction


Acumen Corp’s previous website was sparse in terms of information and design, failing to reflect the company’s high construction standards and values.


We created a new, more corporate website with high-quality imagery to better showcase Acumen Corp’s commitment to excellence and innovation in construction. The redesigned site offers detailed information about their services and projects, aligning with their professional standards.

Value Added:

The new website presents a polished, corporate image that accurately reflects Acumen Corp’s values and high standards. Enhanced with high-quality visuals, the site provides comprehensive information, helping the company attract new clients and partners who value progress and innovation.

Project Highlights:

  • Corporate website design with high-quality imagery
  • Detailed information about services and projects
  • Enhanced visual appeal to reflect company values